Acoustic Supplies

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Noise Reduction

3 Loudest Noises in the World

There’s some pretty noisy and annoying things in the world and then there’s some things that are just down right noisy.

Well, things like car noise and overhead noise from planes and the like isn’t too bad but if it’s a constant thing around where you live then you can always look at sound proofing which will help reduce the noise.

Well, the three things we’re about to list, you certainly wouldn’t miss them. Here’s the three loudest noises in the world.

1 Tonne TNT Bomb

If you were to be around the explosion of a 1 tonne bomb, then you may want to be more than 250 feet away. In fact, you probably want to be a good few miles away. The pain threshold for humans when it comes to noise is 120-130 decibels.

So, if you happen to be around when a 1 tonne bomb is about to explode, I’d scarper as you’d end up with severe pain in your ears or may end up deaf. Also, it’s said that if you’re close enough, you won’t want to be without a sound-resistant bunker and plenty of hearing protection as the vibrations are apparently that strong you could be “shaken apart” by them…

Don’t forget to turn your headphones down, kids!

Blue Whales

Although it’s not a noise you can hear very easily, blue whales normally emit very lour, highly structured, repetitive low-frequency rumbling sounds that can travel for miles and miles under water.

It’s thought that these are used for communicating with other blue whales in a bid to try and find a mate. The call of a blue whale can reach levels up to 188 decibels. This makes the blue whale the loudest and largest animal on earth.

The Tunguska Meteor

The Tunguska event is the largest ever recorded impact event on or near earth in recorded history. It was a huge explosion that happened near to the Podkaennaya Tunguska River in what’s now the Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia at around 7:14am on 30th June 1908.

It’s believed that the explosion was most likely down to the air burst of a large meteor or comet fragment at an altitude of 3 – 6 miles above earth’s surface. It’s measured with a similar impact of a 1000 tonne bomb with a huge decibel rating of 300-315. This is more often than not referred to as the loudest event in history.