Acoustic Supplies

tel: 01204 548400

Noise Reduction Noisy Neighbours Soundproofing Wall Soundproofing

Noise Control Is Best Achieved With Acoustic Supplies

Noise Control : What can you do?

Noise is always around us in some form. Whether at work, home or out and about, you will always come across noise of some sort as it is ever-present. There are certain noises that are music to the ear such as the roar of the crowd at a major sports event, but on the whole noise tends to be something we could do without.

Soundproofing Solutions

When noise becomes a major issue in your home, flat, apartment, school, office, recording studio or theatre, you need to get Acoustic Supplies on the case as we stock a massive range of soundproofing solutions to hel pwith noise control. Whether you are the protagonist or recipient of noise, we can help as each of our noise insulation products can make a difference where noise is concerned.

Acoustic Products

There are hundreds of available products. For example you can literally shut the door on noise when you buy from JCW as we supply and manufacture a quality range of soundproof doors. The sound insulation performance of an acoustic door will massively outweigh what your existing door can do as it offers a 35dB to 55dB sound reduction.

No matter which environment you place a soundproof door into, you can be guaranteed that it will cut the amount of noise that is able to pass in and out of a room. You will also have added peace of mind when we inform you that we have provided soundproof doors for a number of different scenarios and have a number of case studies that you can look at before purchasing.

For some the whole issue of soundproofing will be a completely alien subject. That isn’t a problem as we can educate you by offering you the assistance of our knowledgeable acoustic consultants.

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