Acoustic Supplies

tel: 01204 548400

Wall Soundproofing

Lady Bay Scout Hall
15 February 2024

Lady Bay Scout Hall

Since our installation of the Reflecta sound panels, the echo and reverberation within the hall has significantly been reduced. This has allowed the Scouts groups and hires to enjoy the newly refurbished hall without the concern of reverberation….

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3 January 2023

Best Ways To Reduce Noise In Your Open Office

A noisy workplace is more than an irritation for workers who work in an office setting. Pay attention to the effects on…

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16 December 2022

Ways to Reduce Echoes In An Office

Even though the world is becoming more relaxed, we still like to reflect a feeling of professionalism when we are in the…

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Hotel Soundproofing
19 September 2022

How Can Hotel Soundproofing Help Your Business?

Loud noises constantly bothering visitors can ruin their comfort and make it hard for them to sleep peacefully. People from around the world are looking for a comfortable setting at your hotel….

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Benefits of soundproofing your office
12 September 2022

Benefits Of Soundproofing Your Office

There are several factors to be considered while trying to reduce office noise. The first is where your office is located. Employees…

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Soundproofing A Garage
20 November 2020

Soundproofing A Garage

Converting a garage into a studio, or a music rehersal area? You’re going to need soundproofing! Take a look at this helpful blog post about how to best soundproof a garage and the areas and products that will help the most. Get in touch with our experts for help advice and product ordering….

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Acoustic Insulation For Extensions & Conservatories Diy soundproofing
9 November 2020

Acoustic Insulation For Extensions & Conservatories

Soundproofing should be an integral aspect of the build. Planning to add soundproofing before the extension / conservatory / loft conversion etc is started, is the best way to proceed, as adding the acoustic products during the build – at the right time is much easier than having to install the products at a later date….

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DAVE & NORA At a house renovation project
17 July 2020

Renovation Project? Don’t Forget To Soundproof

If lockdown has taught us anything, apart from that we need to keep washing our hands and stop touching our face, it’s that we don’t like to hear our neighbours noise. es we can renovate our properties, as a lot of us have definitely been doing over the last few months and no doubt will be continuing to do so….

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Sports hall acoustic improvement with sound absorption panels
12 February 2020

What Are Sound Absorbing Panels?

What Are Sound Absorbing Panels? Sound absorbing panels are basically panels that are fixed on your wall or ceiling and absorb reflective…

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Soundproof Against Noisy Neighbours
9 December 2019

Soundproof Walls To Protect Against Noisy Neighbours

Have issues with noisy neighbours? Need more acoustic harmony in your living space? Acoustic Supplies can help. Take a look at our helpful blog for some tips and products that can help you increase your domestic peace….

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Office soundproofing
25 February 2019

Acoustic Panels For Office Soundproofing

JCW Acoustic Supplies are specialists in the manufacture of bespoke and tailor made sound absorption products. Our acoustic panels offer great soundproofing…

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vets and acoustic instillation
12 January 2016

Vets go wild for our Wall sound absorption panels

Reflecta Sound Absorption Panels JCW are manufacturers of a wide range of sound absorption products. These products can be designed using any…

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