Acoustic Supplies

tel: 01204 548400

Wall Soundproofing

quiet zone sign in home
12 April 2013

Handy Hints For A Quieter Home Life

Soundproof For A Quieter Home Life Britons get so little time to relax nowadays that it can be extremely annoying when your…

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happy Neighbours
27 March 2013

Soundproof And Stay On The Right Side Of The Neighbours

Barely a day goes by without someone in the UK falling foul of the law due to causing noise-related issues. The authorities…

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magnifying glass with silence newspaper
21 March 2013

Secure An Oasis Of Silence When You Soundproof

We live in a noisy world. Peace and quiet is extremely hard to come by which at times can have a severe…

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de-stress soundproofing solutions
4 March 2013

Soundproofing Solutions To De Stress Your Home

We All Want Some Peace And Quiet When you come home from work or a busy day your home is the first…

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soundproofing noisy neighbour
8 February 2013

Install Soundproofing And Bring An End To Noisy Neighbours

Don’t Let Your Neighbours Ruin Your Peace And Quiet At times it almost feels as though it is virtually impossible to get…

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Reducing noise with Jcw woman sat peaceful
28 January 2013

Reduce The Level Of Noise In Your Home

The Amount Of Noise Complaints Is Increasing Year On Year The level of noise complaints in the UK has been rising over…

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calm home
16 January 2013

For A Quieter Home Try Soundproofing

We All Like Some Peace And Quiet When at home you treasure a little bit of peace and tranquillity, but finding it…

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Have a quiet christmas with Acoustic Supplies
5 November 2012

T’is The Season To Soundproof

Don’t Let Neighbours Ruin Your Christmas We are fast approaching the party season and for those not involved it can make some…

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Noisy neighbour problems
10 October 2012

Regain Your Haven Home With Soundproofing

Many Homes Are Affected By Different Levels Of Noise Many different homes in different areas are affected by levels of noise that…

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Woman takes a nap in hammock
13 September 2012

Get A Sound Sleep By Soundproofing

Our rapidly growing population has led to an explosion in house building in order to accommodate the vast amounts of people who live in the UK. With this comes a problem, most notably the issue of noise as the closer we live to one another, the more likely it is that noise will pass from one home or apartment to the other.

The perfect current example of this is a story reported on several online sites detailing the efforts of a flat owner to record a review of his neighbours attempts to perform karaoke throughout the night….

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Woman and dog taking a nap
20 August 2012

Noise, Noise Go Away!

Noisy Neighbours, Public Transport, next door Pop Stars and any other forms of unwanted noise can drive you and your family mad. Since the development of public transport with more buses, more cars and train lines running through town centres it has become almost impossible to get a good nights sleep. Twin that with the amount of people walking down the road late at night creating noise as well as the potential to get neighbours that don’t know their noise levels and you are staring down the barrel at one noisy home….

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Dad reading baby a book in bed
9 August 2012

Be A Thoughtful Neighbour And Cut Out The Noise With Acoustic Supplies

There have been many social and technological changes over the last few decades which have resulted in some rather loud problems. Although there are numerous positives that have come from this change (some examples being games consoles, 3D TV’s and surround sound) the issue is that the positive effects are easy to adapt to where as many people fail to adapt to the negative issues. The main issue we are talking about is of course noise pollution. Remember, many of these technological changes have come from products that produce sound, things that we have not always had and therefore we may be unaware of their negative consequences….

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