Acoustic Supplies

tel: 01204 548400

Wall Soundproofing

Wall sound absorption panels jcw
10 December 2015

Wall sound absorption panels – Bespoke designs to meet your needs

Reflecta Sound Absorption Panels JCW are manufacturers of a wide range of sound absorption products. These products can be designed using any…

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Soundproofing Halloween
30 October 2015

Only tricks this Halloween

Soundproofing Horror Story avoided If you are suffering from the nightmare of Noisy neighbours, this Halloween JCW Acoustic Supplies want to share…

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noisy neighbor
6 February 2015

Noisy Neighbours in the School Half Term

Nearly time for the first half term of the year…… of many! Don’t Let Noise Ruin The Fun With parents trying to…

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Soundproofing Your Home Is Essential
15 December 2014

Reasons Why Soundproofing Your Home Is Essential

With today’s fast paced lifestyle, there are many different sources of noise that could disturb your peace at home after a long…

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Dave the mole dresses up for halloween
29 October 2014

Enjoy Halloween This Year Without Any Noise Related Concerns

Halloween is one of the most celebrated days around the world. With its scary stories, costume parties and an enormous amount of…

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What Can You Do If Your Music Annoys The People Next Door? Annoyed man
17 September 2014

What Can You Do If Your Music Annoys The People Next Door?

Noise Is All Around Us Our lives are surrounded by sounds and noises. However, most of them are annoying, distracting and even…

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excess noise affects you in the workplace
13 June 2014

How Excess Noise Negatively Affects You In The Workplace

Noise in the workplace can be a nuisance – it disrupts your flow of thought, takes your attention elsewhere, and therefore may…

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sound effects from famous movies action scene cut
27 March 2014

Sound Effects From Famous Movies

There’s a number of different sound effects that people will maybe recognise, maybe not. We don’t always pay attention to the sound…

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dog in a kennel
23 August 2013

JCW Help Keep The Kennels Quiet

Client – Kirklees Council Project – Arrunden Kennels – Holmfurth Product – JCW Absorbant sound screen Area – 16.1m @ 4m high…

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Concentration in work
21 August 2013

Improve Your Concentration At Work

It’s Easy To Get Distracted Most people who work in an office will agree that one of the biggest challenges they face…

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turning volume down/up
15 August 2013

No Need To Turn It Down With Acoustic Supplies

Help Keep Everyone Happy Peoples music tastes vary wildly. Some people like industrial metal, some like 80’s pop and there are those…

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Noisy neighbour graphic
23 April 2013

Noisy Neighbours Again?

Noisy neightbours…again! Winter is behind us, and we’re slowly coming into the spring and summer months. This means late night BBQ’s next…

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