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Tougher Measures Set To Be Employed Against Noisy Neighbours

The curse of the noisy neighbour has become a growing issue in the UK as the population continues to expand.

Police Have Been Given New Powers Against Anti-Social Behavour

In order to try and tackle the problem, Home Secretary Theresa May has announced that police are to be given new powers to deal with anti-social behaviour, with fines of up to £2,500 issued to those found to be regularly causing noise-related problems.

Noisy Neighbours Beware!

At the moment, local authorities deal with the vast majority of noisy disputes which has led to large criticism from some quarters that in most cases this is insufficient and fails to resolve the issue. Mrs May said:

“It’s time to put victims first. That’s what this government will do. Our new plans aim to give victims the chance to have their problem dealt with immediately. We will slash the confusing and cumbersome legislation that leaves victims without a voice and police without the ability to really tackle the problem. Police and local agencies will now have clarity and the powers to come down hard on those who inflict anti-social behaviour on others.”

This should act as a stark warning to those homeowners who fail to abide by noise guidelines and fail to give their neighbours the respect and peacefulness they deserve.

If you worry about how much the noise created in your home impacts upon those who live around you then you should look into soundproofing as soundproofing a room is a proven way of reducing the likelihood of you getting into bother.

Sound insulation will improve as a consequence of soundproofing so that much of the noise that is created in your home stays firmly within its four walls.

So start undertaking your soundproof project now!